Tempus Fugit Educational Theatre provide a half day (usually a morning) of performance and topic related activities for up to 60 children. (More children can be catered for by individual negotiation). 

Below are examples of our History Half Days which cover the following periods:
Early Britons
Anglo Saxon
World War 1

 Also available are History Half Days on;

World War II
Samuel Pepys and the Great Fire of London
Guy Fawkes and the Gun Powder Plot
Medeaval Knights and Castles
Pirates, Smugglers and the Deep Blue Sea

All activities can be tailored to your individual requirements. All sessions are led by a qualified and experienced Primary School Teacher, professional actor and musician with enhanced DBS.

All our History Half Days cost £390 plus VAT.



Newly Revised Egyptian History Half Day.

The Egyptian History Half Day starts with our ancient Egyptian show where the children are taught, through performance, aspects of ancient Egyptian life. After break there will be a brief Warm Up session and then the children will do some Egyptian Drama work on various characters that they have met and heard about and aspect of Egyptian mythology. The morning culminates in an Egyptian dance.

The Greek History Half Day starts with a comical show about Medusa involving the children as Greek actors, chorus members and musicians. They will dress in Greek costume and reenact the myth. After break there will be a Warm Up followed by a Greek Drama session focusing on Greek society and Greek mythology.

The Invaders and Settlers History Half Day will begin with a brief introduction to Anglo Saxon Life and Anglo Saxon beliefs and detail who the Anglo Saxons were and where they came from. The children will then have a Drama workshop starting with a tried and tested Warm Up session and some Drama games and exercises. They will then create their own interpretations of Anglo Saxon gods and portray various characters from Anglo Saxon mythology. The History Half Day will culminate in a dramatic retelling of the story of Beowulf.


The Half Day will commence with a Roman Life show. After break the children will do a drama Warm Up session followed by depicting various characters from Roman mythology. They will then learn and demonstrate various battle techniques and strategies including a Roman shield wall (shields will be provided) and a Testudo.(Turtle)
The morning will culminate in learning two Roman songs.

The morning begins with a show about the life of Henry VIII. This will be followed by a Warm Up session after which the children will do some Drama and portray a variety of Tudor characters. They will then learn briefly about the lifes of both Queen Elizabeth I and William Shakespeare. The morning will culminate with the children learning a Tudor Dance and two Tudor Songs.

The day begins with a Victorian show where we meet four very different Victorian characters; a mill owner (a rich man), a poor man, a teacher and a Music Hall Entertainer.
The children will then learn a variety of Victorian songs from the Music Halls and begin to create a Victorian Variety show of there own. Obviously this can be extended and perfected to be performed to invited guests.

The day begins with a poignant show about World War I. The children will then learn some popular songs from the Great War era and create some scenes depicting life in the trenches, the role of women during the war, etc. interspersed with some songs.

This History Half Day can be extended into a full History Day with a dramatic musical performance at the end of the day with props and costumes (provided) to invited guests. (either parents or other classes).
The cost for a World War I History Half day is £390plus VAT
The cost of a World War I full History Day is £550 plus VAT

World War II
The day begins with a show about World War II where we meet an old man who recounts his experiences of World War II from a child's perspective and tells us what life was like for him during the war. There are also 5 popular World War II songs performed during this show as well as opportunity for some children to dress in authentic World War II costumes and helmets and look at original World War II props including ration and clothing coupon books, rations, gas masks, etc. There will then be time for questions.
After the show the children will be taught the songs that they have heard.

This History Half Day can be extended to a full History Day if you wish to have a performance of the children's work at the end of the day to invited guests, (e.g. parents and governors or other classes)
The costs are the same as for the World War I show (see above)

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